Damon Wyche called to order the annual meeting of the Blakefield HOA Property Owners at 9:17am on May 11, 2019. Meeting was held at the intersection of Pleasantburg Drive and Lyman Drive.
Damon Wyche conducted the roll call by confirming all members signed in. The following HOA board members were present: Damon Wyche, Keri Alpers and John Kellum. 45 members to include proxies were in attendance.
– Damon Wyche opened the meeting; Seconded by Keri Alpers, Jim Krassow, Jim Cogdell.
– Attendees and Proxy Votes accounted. 45 members present.
– Wyche informed the attendees of the conversation held with Broadwell about the homeowners seeking to develop a park. Wyche informed the attendees of Broadwell’s concern of how much the homeowners realize the cost for seeking out the project. Wyche informed lots could cost as much as $60,000 per lot, playground area could cost as much as $15,000, additional cost of managing drainage etc.
– HOA board will seek out finical that would be willing to work with the financing if a vote is passed to build a park/playground/basketball court etc.
– All in attendance agreed that effort to resolve unpaid dues(assessments) should take priority over discussion of a park/playground/basketball court etc.
Voting held for the HOA Board for the 2020-2022 Fiscal Years:
– President- Damon Wyche (30 Votes)
– Vice President – Aaron Carter (31 Votes)
– Treasurer- Keri Alpers (30 votes)
– At Large- Mark Bransom (22 votes)
– At Large – John Kellum (22 Votes)
HOA Budget:
– HOA account $ 39,060 as of May 11, 2019
– HOA Board will be sending out notices for unpaid dues for the 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 Fiscal years. The HOA board’s goal is to have 90% of the dues caught up by the end of the 2019 year. The HOA board will seek to work with an attorney by September on for members that refuse to settle any late or unpaid dues(assessments). 15-day notice will be sent to any delinquent members or homeowners seeking to remedy late dues. HOA board will resume sending out letters in June 2019.
Eyesores/Covenant Violations/Proposed Covenant Amendments:
– The HOA board will increase site inspections for eyesores such as unmaintained properties, trash, etc.
– Basketball goals can be positioned on side of the roads while in use. Goals should not be left on the roads when not in use. Goals can be stored on the side of homeowner’s driveways. HOA board will issue notices to those that leave goals lying in the yards.
– Easements will be cut by the landscape company once a month starting this month. Any homeowner identified to impede the maintenance of the easements with trash or any obstruction will be charged for the payment of the maintenance.
– Any dog owners who does not clean up after their pets should be reported to the HOA board. If possible, photos should be taken of the owners and pets to support complaints.
– As of May 11, 2019, all trailers will have to be stored according to the covenants.
Improvement Projects:
– The HOA board has been in contact with the surveillance company to have surveillance cameras installed in the neighborhood. Cameras would cost $2000 each/per year. Installment of the camera system will be voted on at the November meeting.
Speeding Vehicle Concerns/ Signs:
– Speed bumps or humps can not be installed until all roads have been completed. The reported speed limit for the neighborhood according to NCDOT is currently 35mph. A petiton can be submitted to NCDOT to have the speed limit reduced to 25mph after roads have been completed.
– Only “For Sale” or “Rent” signs can be posted in the front yard of homes. No other signs allowed to be posted according to covenants.
– Dawn King asked if there was a plan to get prices for pressuring washing. HOA board will be reaching out to pressure washing companies in effort obtain discount rates.
10:25am Wyche concluded meeting. Second by John Kellum & Keri Alpers.