On April 10, 2021, the first annual meeting of the year was held. 70 property owners and HOA Board members Damon Wyche (President), Aaron Carter (Vice President), Keri Alpers (Treasurer) and John Kellum (Member at Large) attended the meeting. The meeting was held on Croft Drive. Damon Wyche called the meeting to order at 9:17 am. The meeting opening was seconded by Keri Alpers. There was no old business to discuss. The following topics were covered:
– HOA Budget/Delinquent Assessments
Keri Alpers
The HOA budget, late/unpaid assessments, and status of liens to be applied by the Board. $80,333 is reported in the HOA bank account as of April 10,2021. Informed everyone that a $20 late fee would be assessed each month following the assessments due date.
John Kellum
Informed everyone that the late fees are being assessed in accordance with North Carolina General Statue 47F, The North Carolina Planned Community Act. It was further explained that late fees are assessed per fiscal year (i.e., the late penalty of $20 per month does not stop at the end of the year, it keeps going into the next year and accruing).
– Covenant Amendments
Aaron Carter
The HOA board has, on multiple occasions, previously held voting sessions in 2016 and 2017 in attempt to amend the current covenant, conditions and restrictions with no success. It was determined that another proposal to amend the covenants would be discussed and attempted one last time.
Damon Wyche
The HOA board is working to create an advisory board comprised of neighborhood residents and meet with them before a covenant, conditions and restrictions voting session is proposed and scheduled.
– Nuisances, Eyesores/Noises
Damon Wyche
The following issues were discussed: basketball goals at or in the streets, ATVs driving on the roads within the neighborhood, dogs excessively barking, resident’s overflowing trashcans and loose trash all around residences, dog waste in neighbor’s yards that is not theirs, dogs running around off leashes, poorly maintained properties, multiple derelict vehicles. It was noted that the HOA board would meet with the advisory board, once created, to clarify nuisances and determine standards regarding property maintenance and upkeep.
Aaron Carter
Informed residents that it is unlawful to operate an ATV or any other vehicle that is not properly registered on the roadways that belong to the State of NC (roads noted were Pleasantburg, Cinder, Cherry Hill, Croft and Cornhill). Attendees agreed to contact local law enforcement if any ATV’s and/or golf carts cause a disturbance. It was noted that there are a small number of residences that have been identified for having no regard for their neighbors and continue to smoke marijuana day and night. Those residences will continuously be reported to Law Enforcement as reoccurrences happen and the Board is looking at other options to stop the activity with the use of the neighborhood covenants.
– Neighborhood Projects
Aaron Carter
6 Dog poop stations have been purchased and will be placed throughout the neighborhood. The stations will consist of only a sign designating the station and a disposable plastic bag dispenser. Pet owners will be responsible of disposal of the bags containing waste properly in accordance with Cumberland County regulations. The Blakefield developer has agreed to transfer ownership of lot 245 (Cemetery lot) and lot 246 (lot to the immediate right of the cemetery) to the HOA for use in the future. The timeline for this is still unknown. The land is currently still under the ownership of the developer and is considered private property. The pond and the land surrounding the pond is owned by developer and is considered private property. The neighborhood continues to grow, currently containing approximately 250 homes but will reach 350 homes total in approximately 4-5 more years. The proposed locations and placement of a drop box for neighborhood ideas, voting forms, proxy forms, annual payments, and other items. The HOA board agreed to reach back out to the neighborhood residents to discuss upcoming projects and improvements such as a playground, community gathering structure, neighborhood mailboxes, etc.
– Upcoming events
Aaron Carter
The neighborhood yard sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 17, 2021. A date for the neighborhood block party/cookout has not yet been determined but we are tentatively looking towards the end of summer prior to school starting back. Voting for the 2022 to 2024 HOA Board of Directors will be held at the next neighborhood meeting which will take place towards the end of the year.
– Questions
The floor was opened for questions. No additional questions or discussions were brought forth by residents present.
A motion to close the meeting was made by Damon Wyche and seconded by Aaron Carter. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35am.