Just a reminder.. anyone wishing to pay their 2019 or other Annual Assesment must do so on or before January 31,2019. If not, you will incur a $20 late payment fee as allowed by North Carolina General Statue for each
Covenant Change Votes
As of January 26, 2019, We have completed our voting sessions and here are the results so far: – 52 residents agreed to ALL of the proposed covenant changes – 1 resident disagreed to ALL of the proposed covenant changes
Please vote ONLY one time and ONLY for two(2) items you believe would be the most beneficial to the Blakefield Community as a whole. We have restricted voters to only two(2) item because of monetary constraints and the fact that
Blakefield Covenant Amendments Voting Sessions
This is a reminder that the Blakefield covenant amendment voting session for Saturday, January 12, 2019 will held at the front entrance of the neighborhood. HOA board members will be setup to provide everyone with a voting ballot. A notary
PayPal Link To Pay Annual Assessments (Dues)
All, A Paypal link has been setup for those that would prefer to pay their assessments by way of the link. The assessment for 2019 are $100 if paid by January 31st. Those that use the PayPal link will be